Tuesday, July 24, 2007

About this Prelims....It's HARD...but not So..hehe

I just had enough luck to remember my lessons.. see the pic?? thats my facial reactions uopn seeing those silly test questions.. BAH!!..it really is hard as expressed on the face..

but upon answering the freakin' questions..suddenly..all the Ideas and as you call them..
"STORED KNOWLEDGE" suddenly popped out of my NUT CASE (>.<) ..thats how i answered those darn test questions..
pretty weird aye??...hehehe...but anyway..i answered them anyway..

haha!!..take that stupid question!!

1 comment:

pjjamio.blogspot.com said...

hmmmmm.....its so hard ka jan nah so easy man gni.... " it's like chicken joy nuh" jejejejejeje